New Mexico Road Signs and Sights

retouched photo from Rio Grande Gorge (2008)

Welcome to the New Mexico Signs and Sights Gallery, featuring photos that I have taken in New Mexico during vacations in the Land of Enchantment. For about six months in 2008, I had moved the New Mexico photos to a photo gallery at my site journal. Late in the spring of 2008, I took another vacation in New Mexico, accumulating more photos. I decided to revive this part of the site and will be adding more photos in the coming months.

NM 1 thumbnail The New Mexico state symbol is the Zía, a Native American symbol, appearing on the state flag and on route markers for state highways. NM 1 is actually a relatively minor highway in the south-central part of the state, encompassing 61 miles between Socorro and Red Rock.

The photograph above is a retouched photo of a warning sign at the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge on US 64 west of Taos, taken in May 2008. There are actually two warning signs, one in English and one in Spanish. Just remember: High Winds May Exist.

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Photos not otherwise credited are mine, copyright 1998-2015, Mark Roberts. All rights reserved.

Mark Roberts
Denver, Colorado
E-mail: Please see the Contact Information page.
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Updates in recent years have been infrequent. It's also possible that some information is now out of date. Site features remain available as a service.

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Disclaimer: This is an unofficial site. Route logs and other information have been the result of research through official state maps and other publications, as well as personal observation. All photographs at this web site were taken by me, copyright 1998-2024, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.