The eastern endpoint of US 34 in Ogden, Illinois, just outside of Chicago (Photo courtesy of David Backlin).

US 54 and Business US 87 are concurrent routes in Dalhart, Texas (1999).

US 60, 54, and 285 are concurrent routes through the small town of Vaughn, New Mexico.
Welcome to the US Highways Signs and Sights Gallery! As a companion to the comprehensive Missouri Road Signs and Sights Gallery, this collection includes photos that I have taken of signs and sights along US highways. Most of these photographs have been selected because they are unusual or because of historic interest. This collection features signs from states other than those that I've featured in their own sign galleries. For California photos, please check out the California Road Signs & Sights Gallery. For Missouri sign photos, see the Missouri Road Signs & Sights Gallery, and for New Mexico photos, go to the New Mexico Signs & Sights Gallery.
For your convenience, the route searches, route indexes, state searches, and state indexes at this site also include Missouri, California, and New Mexico photos in their listings and search results.
Thanks to the many contributors to this site! The Contributors Index has a complete list of each contributor and their contributions. Thanks again to each and every contributor!
Please send comments to the e-mail address listed on the site's Contact Information page.
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Denver, Colorado
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