California Road Signs and Sights

Interstate 238

A freeway entrance for everyone's favorite freeway with noncompliant numbering, Interstate 238, in San Lorenzo.

US 395/California 120

US 395 and California 120 south of Lee Vining in the eastern Sierras.

California 1

One of several endpoints for California 1, this one is in Santa Barbara County at US 101. The blue sign below the California 1 shield indicates a scenic route, showing the state flower, the California poppy.

Welcome to the California Road Signs and Sights Gallery! As a companion to the comprehensive Missouri Signs and Sights Gallery, this collection includes photos that I have taken since I moved to California in 1999. Please send comments to the e-mail address listed on the site's Contact Information page.

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Mark Roberts
Denver, Colorado (formerly Oakland, California)
E-mail: Please see the Contact Information page.
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Updates in recent years have been infrequent. It's also possible that some information is now out of date. Site features remain available as a service.

This page makes it easy for you to find photos in the California Road Signs and Sights Gallery. If you want to see indexes of the photos, try the indexes by category. To find the latest updates, check out the Recent Additions page. The Contributors Index has a complete list of contributors and their contributions.

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Other Roadfan Sites
California Highways (Faigin)
Cal Traffic Signs (traffic signs)
Walking SF (maps & photos)

Disclaimer: This is an unofficial site. Route logs and other information have been the result of research through official state maps and other publications, as well as personal observation. All photographs at this web site were taken by me, copyright 1999-2024, Mark Roberts, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.