California Road Signs and Sights - Recent Additions

Welcome to the California Road Signs and Sights Gallery! This page lists the most recent additions and changes that have been made. They're categorized by the date they were added.

November 9, 2024

Some additional cleanup, including replacing links to my former Twitter feed with links to my Mastodon feed.

October 28, 2024

I have moved from California and am now in Colorado. I will be doing some clean-up work on the site and hope to make it easier to manage.

March 8, 2020

Updates have been infrequent in recent years. Site features remain available as a service.

December 3, 2017

Yes, there's a lot of backlog. I added a link to a page about the future of this site and related sites (since removed).

December 30, 2014

California 262 from Interstate 680 in Fremont It's not the best photo, but I have been able to get a view of the semi-secret California 262 designation appearing on an exit sign along Interstate 680 in Fremont.

Also: in the program to query by city or county, I found a longstanding bug that caused queries with strange capitalization, or in all-caps, to fail. This has been fixed, and you can now use any kind of capitalization you want.

August 16, 2014

Two updates in one week! From a trip to Saratoga, I was able to get a few views of California 9, making its first appearance at the site, as well as a couple of other photos.

August 10, 2014

US 166 goof for California 166 in August 2013 John Rucker shares a great construction sign goof: US 166 for California 166 in Santa Barbara County near Santa Maria. Thanks, John! I've also included a few sign shots that I took earlier this year in this update, most from Silicon Valley. I also made minor changes to the text on this page to resolve anachronisms that crept in over time, and to fix a broken link to the colophon that I added earlier in 2014 with the site redesign.

With this update, I discovered that some of the scripts that I use for updating the site are not functioning correctly, apparently due to the use of a newer version of Perl. I am still able to update small batches of photos, but I will also need to fix the problem in the longer term.

March 30, 2014

New site design! After more than five years with the same design, the site began to look dated. The new design is an evolution from the 2008 version. The biggest change is the use of Google Fonts for the pages. See the colophon for more details about the fonts. For those of you interested in radio, I also recovered articles about my radios from blogging sites that I had used but which either shut down or had other problems.

May 12, 2013

Interstate 101 goof for US 101 in Palo Alto in May 2013 An "Interstate 101" goof appeared at a major Palo Alto intersection this month, even getting written up in the San Jose Mercury News. In addition to a couple of photos of that goof, there are a couple of photos of the western endpoint of Interstate 80 in San Francisco, something that's very difficult to photograph and something I managed to do only from the back seat of a cab.

January 27, 2013

warnings for temporary S-curve on SF-Oakland Bay Bridge in 2012 In December 2012, I had foot surgery and was temporarily on crutches. Since fellow AC Transit patrons were kind enough to allow me to sit in the front seat of the coach bus on our commuting route, I was able to try to get photos of the eastern span of the Bay Bridge as it was then. The span will be replaced by a new span under construction. Lighting conditions were a bit difficult, but, aside from lacking a bit of detail, the mobile phone camera seemed to do all right.

January 2, 2013

I removed the link to my Tumblr page, which I am no longer maintaining. Subsequently, Posterous shut down, and I ceased maintaining a site on Blogger as well (it still exists but I am not updating it).

May 28, 2012

I added a variety of photos this time from San Francisco and the East Bay, most taken with the camera in my Galaxy Nexus mobile phone. Most of the mobile phone photos are of reasonably good quality, and it's more convenient than carrying a dedicated camera around. The photos were all taken in 2012.

December 3, 2011

Added scans from the 1961 official highway map, this time in a size and shape typical of maps that accompanied the state highway department's annual reports. Also took the opportunity to clean up links on the main index page and the map index pages, making minor editing corrections as well where needed. Also added links to my blogs (new as of 2011) and Twitter feed.

March 4, 2011

Removed the link to AboutVia, which had been a dead link for quite some time. I also removed the link to the misc.transport.road FAQ.

January 19, 2011

thumbnail of Sonora stoplight A big thank-you goes out to Chris Cargill, a native and former resident of Sonora, who explained the story of the traffic signal with two apparently-identical green lights in his hometown. That was one of the first photos that I put on the California site. It's amazing to be contacted years later by someone who knows the story behind the oddly configured signal. Now I'll need to retrieve the photo and re-scan it to a larger size!

October 17, 2010

Long overdue, a link has been added to Eric Fischer's Walking SF site, which is rich in photos, maps, and historic documents about Bay Area freeways and transit. Also updated, yet again, the page about the 12th Street dam and viaduct, finally undergoing demolition and reconstruction in 2010, seven years after the project was approved by Oakland voters.

Also of interest is this blog documenting the project: Oakland 12th Street Project, by local artist Erik Niemann.

July 3, 2010

H/T to Ned Deily of San Francisco for discovering the simple yet not so obvious error in the signs that went up for the temporary Transbay Terminal during the last week of June.

The temporary terminal, used mostly for commuter bus lines, will replace the 1930s-era Transbay Terminal while it is torn down and rebuilt as a multi-modal transit center.

Also: based on an article in the Oakland Heritage Alliance News, I added information about the 12th Street dam and viaduct in downtown Oakland. It was slated for imminent removal and reconstruction in 2003 when I first posted the page; construction did not begin until 2010.

June 19, 2010

Added a link to Cal Traffic Signs ( (H/T to Daniel Faigin, who spread the word about the site.) My own preference is to photograph signs in their settings as installed, but that's obviously not possible for old and historic signs. There are many such signs at I think that fans of signs with button reflectors will especially enjoy it.

May 31, 2010

Removed links to the photo-count pages. Certain other sites like to boast of their photo counts. I don't want to participate in that boasting, because I think it doesn't mean anything, especially when you can't find those other sites' photos easily. The pages are still on the site, so you can find them if you know the URL, but they won't be updated automatically. I am keeping them because they've been useful for diagnosing occasional problems with the data used to index and search my photo pages.

December 22, 2009

This update implemented a more flexible architecture in the search program for city and county names for handling two-word and three-word city and county names. As a consequence, search results for those cities and counties should now be much more accurate.

December 5, 2009

thumbnail of CA 229 Featuring the obscure California 229, six of whose nine miles are so narrow that the road doesn't have a center stripe, this set of 29 photos from northern and north-central San Luis Obispo County also includes California 41, California 46, California 58, and Business California 1.

All photos were taken in late November 2009.

With the addition of an historic marker in Paso Robles, joining an earlier photo from Del Mar, I've also added an index and search category for Historic US 101.

November 14, 2009

Ladybugs clustered on a branch in Redwood Regional Park Removed Nevada metadata on five pages because those cities and counties were showing up in the search and indexing programs. They shouldn't have been, but the search and indexing programs don't try to check to see that a specified city or county is valid. That would be nearly impossible for cities; much easier for counties. Even so, since I don't make use of city or county metadata for Nevada, it was even simpler to just remove the Nevada metadata. Is it a bug fix? Ask the ladybugs (right).

Also added a sign from Redwood Regional Park (where my husband also found the swarms of ladybugs):

November 1, 2009

Yolo County gets more representation in this set of photos, taken in August 2009. This set, with 17 photos on 13 pages, also includes nearby areas of Solano County and another photo from Sacramento.

October 20, 2009

It's the end of the summer photos from the North Bay, wrapping up with 18 photos from Sonoma County.

October 5, 2009

Fourth in the soon-to-end series of summer photos from the North Bay, this set features more photos from Mendocino County.

October 4, 2009

Midway through the series of summer photos from the North Bay, this set of 14 photos on 15 pages marks the first appearance of Mendocino County at the site, including the western terminus of California 128.

September 28, 2009

Second in the series of photos from the North Bay, this set of 13 photos features US 101 in Sonoma County from Petaluma to Geyserville.

September 27, 2009

Beginning a new series, featuring areas in the northern parts of the San Francisco Bay Area, this set focuses on 11 photos along US 101 in Marin County, up to the Sonoma County line, taken in July 2009.

I also discovered that two earlier photos from Petaluma had been miscategorized as being in Marin County, rather than Sonoma County. This error only affected search and indexing results, but it has now, finally, been corrected in this update.

August 16, 2009

Finishing up the series of photos from my July 2009 trip to Nevada City, this set includes photos in and near Nevada City, Sacramento, and along Interstate 680. There's a total of 18 photos on 16 pages.

July 28, 2009

This time, it's the final set of photos from my May 2009 trip (23 photos on 20 pages), featuring Solano County, including signs for Interstates 680 and 780, and lots of button reflectors. All the updates together from the May 2009 trip added 65 new photos on 60 pages (not counting the two I-505 photos from the July trip).

I also updated the Zampa Bridge section of the site with an additional photo, showing a view of the old and new bridges across the Carquinez Strait as they appear in 2009:

July 21, 2009

I'm mixing it up this time with photos from two trips. The first set comprises 13 more photos from a May 2009 trip along Interstate 80.

The second set is from a July trip to Sacramento (the trip during which my new car was rear-ended). Here are a couple for Interstate 505's interchange with Interstate 80:

June 28, 2009

Yet more signs from Interstates 80 and 580 in Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, and Albany -- 13 signs on 11 pages.

June 14, 2009

Two updates in one month! This one is a set of photos taken in May on freeways in Oakland, showing many signs with button reflectors still in place.

June 2, 2009

Another historic map joins the collection: the 1936 California official highway map. Included are a list of all state routes in 1936 and a map of US highways in the western states.

September 9, 2008

Added nine photos, taken in July 2008, of the MacArthur Maze and the "Mini-Maze" of the Interstate 980-California 24 interchange from Interstate 580 in Oakland.

August 8, 2008

Rearchitected the entire Signs & Sights family of sites. All URLs changed and are now shorter. The easy way to convert any given URL: remove /road/sign from the old URL to get the new URL.

June 29, 2008

Added links to the new and improved New Mexico Signs & Sights Gallery.

May 11, 2008

Everyone's favorite new font (this depends on your definition of "everyone"), Clearview, shows up on another new signal installation in Oakland!

April 12, 2008

A sign replacement project started this month on Interstate 580 in Oakland and San Leandro. Not just the old button-reflector signs were replaced. New mounting posts were installed as well, affording the opportunity to see both old signs and new signs together for a short period of time. In this set, I also tried to get a better close-up of the Interstate 238 exit sign from Interstate 580, replete with button reflectors that are likely to be replaced soon.

I also revised the page with the 2007 photo of the Interstate 238 (and California 238) exit sign to cross-link the 2007 photo with the newer 2008 photo.

Follow-up, April 13, 2008

From subsequent discussions in misc.transport.road (where I posted a notice of this update), I learned that the new supporting structure of the I-580 sign gantries is called a monotube. So I have revised the new pages accordingly. I also had omitted a custom HTML title tag from the new pages; this "silent update" fixed that problem. I also changed the description for two other pages related to Interstate 238. Both of those descriptions had said "Interstate 238 close-up" but they were actually quite different photos. The two pages affected:

March 1, 2008

I've added another historical document about the Bay Bridge. This one also includes the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a little 1939 guide titled How to Use the New Bridges, distributed by Standard Oil of California.

I also fixed some minor bugs in the search programs, and fixed a rather important bug that caused results from Los Angeles County to be omitted. Unfortunately, I only have one photo from that county right now, but I'm hoping at some point in the future to have more.

December 27, 2007

Here are more big green signs, and some big orange signs, too, from a November 2007 across the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, as well as some freeway signs in Oakland and a variety of other road sights. This update added 17 new photos.

December 23, 2007

There are plenty of big green signs, plus a few others, for the holiday of your choice from my November 2007 trip to San Diego. There are 64 photos in this update, including both ends of California 75 and California 282.

September 7, 2007

Added a couple of photos from California 61 in Alameda, including one marker assembly that may -- or may not -- be at the end of the route.

September 4, 2007

Added 26 photos in San Mateo and Alameda County, mostly on California 92 and the San Mateo Bridge. There are many examples both of the older-style button-reflector freeway signs, still in use in Alameda County, and the newer-style reflective signs with exit numbers, which now predominate in San Mateo County.

May 9, 2007

This time, it's a series of windshield shots taken in April 2007 on US 101 in San Jose, Gilroy, San Benito County, and Monterey County. Even though they're windshield shots, most of them came out well, and many of them show the classic button-reflector exit signs that are gradually being replaced by Caltrans. For signal fans, there's also a photo of a single-arrow signal assembly in Paso Robles.

April 16, 2007

Here's more Clearview in northern California, this time at a Salinas shopping center.

April 5, 2007

Added ten photos from late February, featuring big guide signs with button reflectors and Interstate 238.

March 4, 2007

Added a section to the web site featuring historic maps and brochures of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Included are maps of the Bay Area before the bridge was built, and a 1927 planning map showing proposed routes, none of which were built!

February 17, 2007

Clearview, the sign font that is replacing the FHWA series of fonts in many states, has shown up on a couple of new street signs in Oakland. This is the first use of Clearview that I've observed in northern California.

January 20, 2007

The "version 7" page of links has been removed from the site, in hopes of making maintenance less burdensome and allowing me more time to work on content.

December 16, 2006

A new section has been added, featuring fair use excerpts from the official California highway map for 1956. It's interesting to compare this map to the official California highway map for 1966, excerpts of which were added to this site in August 2006.

December 5, 2006

From a Thanksgiving weekend trip, here are 16 photos (plus one close-up) from San Luis Obispo, Monterey, and Santa Clara counties.

Updated Page

The information on this page about a trailblazer sign in downtown San Luis Obispo was updated to reflect the fact that these signs have been replaced.

November 19, 2006

With the opening of the new Pier 14 in San Francisco earlier this fall, I was able to get some nice perspectives of the Bay Bridge and the Ferry Building in these photos, taken November 1.

November 13, 2006

Here are four more contributions from Rich Piehl's July trip in the Sierras and Sacramento. Thanks again, Rich!

October 1, 2006

I removed all the direct e-mail links from the pages that had those links. This is an attempt to reduce a particularly difficult type of spam that has begun showing up at my e-mail provider. A new e-mail address is provided on a separate Contact Information page.

August 31, 2006

It's the Flashing Yellow Edition, with a rare flashing yellow arrow for a left-turn signal!

August 28, 2006

A new section has been added, featuring fair use excerpts from the official California highway map for 1966.

August 26, 2006

Adding a new route to the roster of highways shown at this site, I've added a couple of photos from Alameda.

August 25, 2006

Rich Piehl contributed a couple of photos from Mono County, including one of US 6. Thanks, Rich!

Also, now that there are a few contributions, I have added an index of contributors.

August 20, 2006

Thanks to Ralph Herman for this photo of a button-reflector freeway entrance sign at Interstate 5 in Burbank!

August 6, 2006

The last two photos made with film, one of a slightly odd freeway entrance in Concord, and the other showing a hazy view of the Bay Bridge that was softened nicely by the use of film. From this point forward, it's all digital!

August 1, 2006

Eight more photos using the new camera, this time in Oakland and on California 24 in Contra Costa County.

July 24, 2006

Added 11 new photos from San Francisco and Emeryville, taken with my new digital camera.

July 10, 2006

Added five photos from Oakland and San Diego.

May 25, 2006

A design facelift for the entire site! The biggest changes are at the Missouri, California, and US Highways Signs and Sights Galleries, where the top-level index page has been replaced by a search page, enabling you to quickly find photos for specific routes, types of routes, or categories of photos. You can also search for photos relating to specific cities or counties.

Other than the new search pages, the most notable changes seen by most users will be the new fonts used across the entire site. The new design should also look a little bit better with Internet Explorer 6 than the old design.

March 29, 2006

Added an index by photo category to the other category indexes.

January 16, 2006

Added five photos from a November 2005 trip to San Diego. Especially notable are the one-way signs with button reflectors!

December 30, 2005

Added a page listing all California photos at this site, alphabetized by the descriptive text in the link. Anchors are included for each letter of the alphabet. For example, adding "#U" to the URL will take you directly to the links beginning with the letter U, including photos of US route "cutout" style markers.

December 13, 2005

Added anchors within the indexes by category. I hope to make more use of this feature in the future. In the meantime, you can use them to move around more quickly in each of the indexes. For example, when in the Route Index, type "#CA24" after the URL to find the listings for California 24. When in the City Index, type "#Oakland" after the URL to find the listings for Oakland. Be sure to omit any spaces and punctuation marks (examples: US50, BL80, US101, SanFrancisco, SanLuisObispo). In the Route Index, use "BL" for Business Loops and "BR" for Business Routes.

December 5, 2005

Added programs that create page and photo counts of the California cities, counties, routes, and route types shown in the California Road Signs and Sights Galleries, as well as counting the categories of photos shown.

December 4, 2005

Moved eight pages (with nine photos) into the California gallery from the US Highways Signs and Sights Gallery. I decided to consolidate all the California photos into the California gallery.

December 1, 2005

Added a series of 21 photos from the Octavia Boulevard project in San Francisco, which opened to traffic on September 9 and 10, 2005. The photos were by an anonymous contributor on September 24, 2005.

August 28, 2005

Added indexes by category. These indexes list pages at all the sign galleries, not just the California gallery. These indexes were made possible by the huge XHTML conversion earlier this year. They are a first step toward a new approach toward managing the galleries that I hope to unveil in the coming months. The new indexes are:

August 13, 2005

Added 13 photos from July 2005 in the Paso Robles area and August 2005 in Oakland. Especially notable is an Interstate 880 marker within a California spade outline.

July 20, 2005

Added 19 new photos, many from November 2004 and July 2005 trips to San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara and an April 2005 trip to Riverside and Imperial counties.
Also, from this same set of photos from November 2004 (originally posted in the US Highways Signs & Sights Gallery):

May 27, 2005

Converted all pages to XHTML 1.1. Added three photos from my archives, taken in 1999 and 2000. Rescanned 27 photos, most from 1999 and 2000, for better quality and, in some cases, larger images. Renamed seven photos for consistency with my current naming scheme.

Added Photos

Rescanned Photos

Nine of these have also been renamed, indicated by an asterisk.


These photos were not rescanned, just renamed.

October 18, 2004

Added photos from my trip to upper northern California in September 2004, including a series of photos from the Sundial Bridge (opened 2004) in Redding, designed by Santiago Calatrava.

August 15, 2004

Added a series of photos from the Al Zampa Memorial Bridge (opened 2003), the site of the roadfan ("roadgeek") meeting for Northern California on June 26.

June 10, 2004

A correction and an update.

February 10, 2004

Earlier Updates

(Not a complete list)

July 17, 2003: Added 43 photos from my May 2003 trip to Lake Tahoe, Mono Lake, and Nevada City. Six more photos from that trip were originally posted at the US Highways Signs & Sights site.

February 1, 2003: Updated information about the US 50 shield along Interstate 580 in Oakland (thanks to Mike Wiley). Also added six more Oakland-area photos: along California 24 near California 13, near Interstate 880, in Chinatown, and along 12th Street near Lake Merritt.

January 21, 2003: Added photos of old US 50 shield, revealed on an Interstate 580 sign in Oakland, and a trace of the old California 17 designation for Interstate 880, also in Oakland.

December 31, 2002: Added photos from Mission Street in downtown San Francisco of non-symbolic pedestrian signals and an extensive set of warning signs at Mission and Fremont Streets.

October 22, 2002: Added 16 photos in and around Interstate 238 in Hayward as well as from Stockton and Sacramento. Also added a link to my page of Yosemite photos. Also updated the status of the "Bekerley" sign at California 13 in Oakland.

Mark Roberts
Denver, Colorado (formerly Oakland, California)
E-mail: Please see the Contact Information page.
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