Missouri Road Signs and Sights -- Recent Additions

Welcome to the Missouri Road Sign and Sights Gallery! This page lists the most recent additions and changes that have been made.

November 9, 2024

Some additional cleanup, including reducing the presence of the Missouri Route Log, which is now more than a decade out of date. Also replaced links to my former Twitter feed with links to my Mastodon feed.

October 28, 2024

After a long period of inattention, it's time to start considering the future of this site. The first task is to clean up some longstanding issues and problems. I also plan to remove the Missouri Route Log at a future date because it hasn't been updated for years. I also want to make the site more manageable. Achieving all these objectives will take some time.

March 8, 2020

Updates have been infrequent in recent years. The Route Log, in particular, may now have some information that's out of date. Site features remained available as a service.

December 3, 2017

Yes, there's a lot of backlog. I added a link to a page about the future of this site and related sites (since removed).

December 30, 2014

In the program to query by city or county, I found a longstanding bug that would cause queries with strange capitalization, or in all-caps, to fail. This has been fixed, and you can now use any kind of capitalization you want.

August 11, 2014

A spot check found that I never actually updated this page on March 30, though I had updated the design! Never mind; that way, you didn't have to deal with the broken link to the colophon on this page. In addition, I made minor changes to the text on this page to resolve anachronisms that crept in over time.

March 30, 2014

New site design! After more than five years with the same design, the site began to look dated. The new design is an evolution from the 2008 version. The biggest change is the use of Google Fonts for the pages. See the colophon for more details about the fonts. For those of you interested in radio, I also recovered articles about my radios from blogging sites that I had used but which either shut down or had other problems.

April 7, 2013

US 54 marker The Route Log was updated to add the Business US 54 designation in Osage Beach. MoDOT announced on April 3 that it will be marking the Osage Beach Parkway at Business Route 54. According to MoDOT, "The name change and the signs are meant to help motorists more readily recognize the parkway as the Osage Beach business district." Hat tip to David Backlin for the information.

March 4, 2013

It was time for the annual note, more or less, marking this site's founding on March 4, 1998. Due to an extremely hectic work and personal schedule at the moment, I wasn't able to do something special for the 15th anniversary in 2013 -- or the 16th anniversary in 2014. Thanks for your interest over these many years!

January 26, 2013

MO 154-MO 107-SR E junction Added 24 more photos from my September 2012 trip to Missouri, this time focusing on northern and central Missouri, including driving the entire length of Missouri 107, also known as "clinching" the route, as well as revisiting Crowder State Park and finding a couple of mixed-case city-limit signs.

I also rescanned three photos from 1998 and 2002 to provide larger images and to provide a "now and then" comparison of the Missouri 128 reassurance marker at Crowder State Park as well as the Paris city-limit sign on Missouri 15 at the southern city limits.

Here are the rescanned photos:

January 13, 2013

MO 269 exit sign Added 17 photos from the Kansas City stay during my September 2012 vacation to Missouri, including a leftover exit sign for Missouri 269 (left), which was decommissioned earlier in 2012. I also rescanned my 1998 picture of the southern endpoint (terminus) of Interstate 29. The sign has since been replaced, with the signed endpoint moving to a different location -- actually, two locations.

Because of the replacement of the Paseo Bridge with the Christopher Bond Bridge, as well as the decommissioning of Missouri 269, I also revised the pages referring to either of them.

January 8, 2013

I-49 marker MO 215marker Updated Route Log entries (and the Route Log PDF) for Interstate 49, Business Loop 49, US 71, and Business US 71 as a consequence of I-49's official opening on December 12, 2012. Also added Spur MO 215 in Polk County near Brighton. Thanks to David Backlin for the tip on Spur Route 215.

Also note that the PDF now uses OpenSans, an open-source font from Google Web Fonts. Expect to see more of this font at the site in future updates.

January 5, 2013

MO 5/110/139/US 36 at MO 130 Added seven photos from my trip to Missouri in September 2012, taking care to swing by north Missouri after the Missouri 110 designation (the Chicago-Kansas City Corridor) was added to US 36 between Cameron and Hannibal earlier in the year. Especially in Linn County, some big sign assemblies resulted. Some call them "sine salads"; I like to call them "sign stacks" because they just stack one sign atop other signs.

For more on Missouri 110, check out the contributions from Matt Roberds that I posted in April and August 2012.

There will be more photos from my Missouri trip in future updates.

January 3, 2013

Junction I-49/US 71 Three contributors have generously provided 34 photos of Interstate 49 on its first official day in Missouri, December 12, 2012. From the Grandview Triangle (I-470 and I-435) in Kansas City, to Pineville, a few miles north of the Arkansas border, the Interstate 49 designation will be added to the current route of US 71. The southernmost ten miles of US 71 in Missouri won't carry the designation. A new route will eventually be built into Arkansas to provide a bypass around Bentonville.

Photos from Matt Roberds, including a work crew turning the new signs to face traffic on the official opening day:

Even though Missouri's usual practice has been to put the state name on individual marker signs, that practice wasn't followed for much of Interstate 49. But Chris Knight found an Interstate 49 marker with the state name:

Amid these photos from David Backlin are photos of the temporary southern terminus of Interstate 49 south of Pineville:

Many thanks to Chris, David, and Matt for their team coverage (as they'd say on local TV news) of Interstate 49!

In this update, also corrected the Route Log entry for Interstate 49, to reflect the fact that the designation currently does not go all the way to the Arkansas state line.

I also removed links to my Tumblr page, which I stopped maintaining. no longer maintaining. Subsequently, Posterous shut down, and I ceased maintaining a site on Blogger as well (it still exists but I am not updating it).

August 28, 2012

MO 110 marker As the Missouri 110 designation crept gradually into north-central Missouri during the first half 2012, Matt Roberds took a few photos of the signs on US 65 at its interchange with US 36 (and Missouri 110) in Chillicothe. Thanks once again, Matt! The photos are from June 2012:

May 27, 2012

MO 269 marker Updated the Route Log and relevant photo pages to reflect the impending decommissioning of Route 269 in the Clay County portion of Kansas City. According to a report in the Kansas City Star, the state will relinquish Route 269 as part of the city's project to replace the two-lane portion of Chouteau Trafficway south of Interstate 35 with a new Chouteau Parkway. (Reported in the Star on May 20.) Missouri 269 at one time extended from US 69 to Interstate 70, going across the Missouri River on the Chouteau Bridge. In recent years, the route designation has covered only part of Chouteau Trafficway, from NE 41st Street and Winn Road on the north, going through the Missouri 210 interchange, terminating at the north landing of the rebuilt Chouteau Bridge.

April 4, 2012

I-35 marker I-49 marker For the first time in a while, some new photos! Thanks to Matt Roberds for his photos of Missouri 110 reassurance markers that replaced Interstate 35 reassurance markers in Cameron and points south. David Backlin and G.R. Van (Gene Van Dusseldorp) contributed photos of new 0.2-mile markers on US 71 for the soon-to-be designated Interstate 49 (along with other photos, too), and Scott Manness contributed a very odd photo from Arkansas near the Missouri border. Here's the list of 22 photos (on 21 pages):

March 14, 2012

MO 110 marker With the official word from MoDOT that there will indeed be two Routes 110 in Missouri, I have been able to complete programming changes to accommodate both routes. I also used the term "corridor route" (my term, not MoDOT's) to describe the Chicago-Kansas City Corridor version of Missouri 110. You can see the result in the Route Log. There are no Missouri 110 photos on the site at this time, so you won't be able to tell if the photo lookup works. I used some test files to check out those changes. Thanks to Eileen Rackers of MoDOT for answering my query about Missouri 110.

March 4, 2012

Another year, another anniversary. This time, it's the 14th anniversary for the site. I was in the midst of making changes to the Route Log and associated programs to accommodate two MO 110 routes in Missouri -- the longstanding route in Jefferson County as well as the newly-designated Route 110 along the Chicago-Kansas City Corridor.

February 27, 2012

Thanks to a report from Randy Wheeler, we found an instance where there are two Missouri Routes 110. On January 4, the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission approved a designation of Route 110 for the Chicago-Kansas City Corridor. In Missouri, the corridor runs between Kansas City and Hannibal: Interstate 35 between Cameron and Kansas City, and US 36 between Cameron and Hannibal. The corridor and 110 designations extend into Illinois.

Here's the twist: Route 110 already exists in Jefferson County. It's a six-mile connector between Missouri 21 and US 67, going around the north side of De Soto. The minutes of the Commission's meeting mentioned the Jefferson County route, but said little more than that.

Because there are now two Routes 110, I had to reprogram the Route Log to accommodate the duplication. See the March 14 entry for more information.

December 3, 2011

Minor changes, mostly cleanup of links, addition of blogs/social media links, and removal of the Browser Info page.

US 63 marker In other news, the new route of US 63 that bypasses Kirksville is now open. Business Route 63 has been relocated to the former route of US 63, along Baltimore Avenue in Kirksville. The new US 63 opened October 26. The project was called the Alternate 63 project, but it appears that designation, which would have been fairly unusual in Missouri, won't be used now that the highway is built. MoDOT has an online photo album of the opening ceremonies, including a surprising sign goof. Also note that the opening ceremonies appear to have occurred before the highway was completely opened to traffic, based on what I can find online (example from the Kirksville Daily Express).

Hat tip to Gene Van Dusseldorp for reporting the information on various social media sites. The re-routing of US 63 and Business Route 63 don't affect the Route Log.

October 25, 2011

I-49 marker An update! On October 15, AAHSTO (the American Association of Highway and State Transportation Officials) conditionally approved Missouri's application to add the Interstate 49 designation to US 71 between Interstate 435 in Kansas City and the Arkansas state line. The approval is conditioned upon the approval of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). However, FHWA had earlier entered into an agreement with Missouri for upgrading US 71 to Interstate standards along the proposed route of I-49, so such approval seems very likely. AAHSTO also approved Business Loop 49 designations to replace Business US 71 routes in Butler, Nevada, Joplin, and Neosho, also contingent upon final approval of the I-49 designation by FHWA. For now, I have listed both designations for those four business routes.

March 4, 2011

It's the 13th anniversary of the site. However, due to many other commitments, I haven't done anything for the anniversary this year.

I also removed the link to the misc.transport.road FAQ.

December 30, 2010

MO 13 marker Thanks to David Backlin, who alerted me to the new route of Missouri 13 in Warrensburg, the East Loop bypass. The first stage of the bypass, starting from US 50 at its northern end, and extending seven miles to the existing Highway 13, opened November 23. As a consequence, the old route of Missouri 13 on Maguire Street is now designated as Business Route 13. This stage of the project took about a year and a half to complete. I have updated the Route Log to show the new Business Route 13 in Warrensburg.

The next phase of the project is to complete the bypass from US 50 northward three miles to the current route of Missouri 13.

Also, thanks to David, I corrected the Route Log listing for Business Route 71 to include Webb City.

August 4, 2010

I-49 marker The Missouri Department of Transportation has announced that it will seek the Interstate 49 designation, at least for US 71 between I-435 in Kansas City and I-44 in Jasper County. A two-year program of upgrades to US 71, removing all at-grade road crossings, will precede the application, planned for 2012. More details and maps are available at the MoDOT Southwest District. The Route Log has been updated with some of this information. The route is still shown as proposed because the proposal has not yet been submitted to AAHSTO (the American Association of Highway and State Transportation Officials).

July 1, 2010

MO 242 marker Added Missouri 242, the Horseshoe Bend Parkway Extension in Lake Ozark, to the Route Log. Route 242 will connect the Lake of the Ozarks Community Bridge and Business Route 54 with US 54 two miles to the east. Along with Route MM, the route will eventually connect Missouri 5 and US 54. The extension is planned to be complete in the fall of 2011. Thanks to David Backlin for the tip. More information is available from various Lake-area media, including Lake Expo, The Lake Today, and radio station KRMS.

MO 112 marker I also revised the Route Log to reflect the correct direction and terminus (northwest rather than northeast) of Missouri 112 in Cassville. Thanks to David Backlin for the information, which actually had been sitting on a photo page for years. That correction was in turn stimulated by a comment from Philip Diehl regarding the four-route concurrence in Branson West. Philip pointed out that Missouri 76, 86, and 112 were concurrent in Cassville along with Business Route 37. Even so, I think it doesn't quite count as a four-route concurrence because business routes don't seem to have as much "status" as even supplemental routes; for example, you never see a numbered route end at a business route. Well, almost never.

Thanks, Philip and David, for helping me correct this longstanding error.

May 31, 2010

Removed links to the photo-count pages. Certain other sites liked to boast of their photo counts. I didn't want to participate in that boasting, because I think it doesn't mean anything, especially when you can't find those other sites' photos easily. The pages are still on the site, so you can find them if you know the URL, but they won't be updated automatically. I am keeping them because they've been useful for diagnosing occasional problems with the data used to index and search my photo pages.

May 25, 2010

Updated links to Jeff Morrison's Iowa Highway Ends site and to H.B. Elkins' Millennium Highways site for Kentucky highways. Also pruned a couple of dead links.

March 5, 2010

A day late this year, the anniversary update features official highway map scans from 1940 and 1950. March 4 was the site's 12th anniversary.

December 22, 2009

This update implemented a more flexible architecture in the search program for city and county names for handling two-word and three-word city names as well as two-word county names. As a consequence, search results for those cities and counties should now be much more accurate.

March 1, 2009

It's the Eleventh Anniversary Edition, published a few days early this year. Added are scans of the 1959 official Missouri highway map and, finally, scans of the front side of the 1969 official map to go along with the insets that have been shown here for many years. The 1959 map is significant because it's the first one to show completed segments of the Interstate highway system.

MO 49A as shown on 1969 state map There's a new Route Log entry for Missouri 49A in Crawford County. This route (left) appeared only on official maps from 1966 to 1974 inclusive. It's now Route V between Missouri 49 and Davisville. The route may have had other designations before 1966. It often appeared on official state highway maps as a primary route rather than a secondary route. In 1932, a route from Missouri 19 to Davisville was shown as Missouri 19A. The same route was shown in 1935. South of the Davisville junction, what is now Missouri 49 was designated Route B. In 1936, the designation of Missouri 49 was extended west and north from Glover (at Missouri 21 and Missouri 72) to end at Missouri 19 at Cherryville. Still, the route segment between Cherryville and the spur to Davisville, and then the spur itself, was shown as a primary route while the rest of Missouri 49 was shown as a secondary route. It's possible that the spur was Spur 49 or even was 49A from 1936 onward, but it was not designated as anything on the official maps until 1966. Current MoDOT maps definitely show it as Route V, so there's no ambiguity about its present status.

December 28, 2008

MO 340 marker Added to the collection of official state highway maps are those from 1936 and 1937. There have also been corrections to some of the descriptive text for the 1938 map. When comparing the 1937 and 1938 maps, I also discovered that 1938 was the first year that Missouri 340 in St. Louis County was designated. As a consequence, I have updated the Route Log. With all the additions, I'm now considering the site to be at Version 8.2.

December 22, 2008

MO 269 marker As part of my trip over all three miles of Missouri 269 in September 2008, I took a few pictures of the new Chouteau Bridge (constructed in 2001). Three of those photos are now in the Chouteau Bridge section of this site, letting you compare the rustic scene on the north end of the bridge in 1998 with the way it looks in 2008 (not so rustic).

Additional changes, December 23, 2008: I changed the text on a few pages to try to clarify the status of the southern terminus of Missouri 269. Since 1985, official Missouri maps have shown the endpoint at the north landing of the Chouteau Bridge. But my 1998 photo shows an "End 269" sign assembly at Missouri 210, a few hundred feet north of the bridge. So now, despite lack of popular demand, here's the complete history of Missouri 269 as I know it from official highway maps:

I've also updated the Route Log entry for Missouri 269 to reflect this complex history in shortened form.

December 21, 2008

MO 283 marker I've added one more group of photos from my September 2008 trip to Missouri, this time in a fairly narrow geographic area: Kansas City and vicinity in Clay and Platte Counties. Included are end-to-end views of Missouri 283, plus Missouri 269, 210, and 9; unmarked Spur 45 in Waldron; and US 69. This time, I've added 19 photos on 18 pages.

December 13, 2008

Interstate 229 marker MO 759 marker Here's the second group of photos from my September 2008 trip to Missouri, this time featuring routes in St. Joseph, especially Interstate 229 and Missouri 759 (the Stockyards Expressway).

The Route Log has also been updated with historic information for Missouri 740 (correction), Missouri 752, Missouri 759, Missouri 763, and Missouri 765.

MO 138 marker In addition, Spur 138 has been added to the Route Log. It has appeared only on a recent MoDOT Buchanan county map. It appears to be a very short spur within Lewis & Clark State Park. Missouri 138 is itself a spur into the park from Missouri 45 and 273. Because it's within a state park, the spur is probably not marked. This is probably the first spur of a spur that I've found in Missouri.

December 10, 2008

The first batch of photos from my September 2008 trip to Missouri make their appearance. There are 37 photos on 36 pages, mostly in west-central Missouri but with a few from Kansas City, too.

November 11, 2008

MO 354 marker G.R. Van pointed out that the official Missouri highway map for 1968 showed a route designated Missouri 354 in Lake Ozark. Missouri 354 appeared only that year; the next year, it was shown as Business US 54, its current designation. As a consequence, Missouri 354 has been added to the Route Log. Thanks, G.R., for the sharp-eyed find!

September 8, 2008

Added a scan of the 1958 official Missouri highway map, including insets. This was the last map that did not show Interstate highways -- although Interstate construction was shown on the Columbia and St. Charles inset maps. Changes were also made for some pages covering the 1957 and 1956 official maps. I was able to compare the 1957 insets with the 1958 insets, thus being able to correct some errors in the 1957 descriptions. Also, for consistency with the 1958 and 1948 maps, a few file names in the 1956 and 1957 map galleries were changed. As a consequence, I'm bumping up the version number to 8.1.

MO 249 marker Also updated the Route Log entry for Missouri 249 (the Range Line Bypass east of Joplin), to reflect its completion between Missouri 171 in Carterville and Interstate 44. Also updated the Route Log entry for Missouri 144 to reflect an earlier designation of Missouri 144 in southwest Missouri that predated the current route in southeast Missouri by 15 years or so.

August 8, 2008

Rearchitected the entire Signs & Sights family of sites. All URLs changed and are now shorter. Also merged the Missouri Signs & Sights site with the Missouri Highways site. The easy way to convert any given URL from the old Signs & Sights site: remove /road/sign from the old URL to get the new URL. URLs from the old Missouri Highways site were moved around differently, with the Numbering System page moving to http://www.cosmos-monitor.com/mo/etc/numbering.html, and the Route Log moving to http://www.cosmos-monitor.com/mo/routelog.html.

June 29, 2008

Added links to the new and improved New Mexico Signs & Sights Gallery.

March 4, 2008

I fixed several bugs in the search programs which sometimes gave inaccurate results. For example, "Lake Ozark" will now return just Lake Ozark, and not "Ozark" as well.

January 2, 2008

Added a link on the home page for the gallery to David Backlin's US 71 Flickr site. David has contributed many photos over the years to the sign galleries here; look forward to more at his new pages. (Note: the link was changed January 12 to reflect an updated user name.)

December 30, 2007

Here's one more set of contributions before the end of the year, all from David Backlin in the Springfield and Joplin areas. There are eight new pages with a total of nine new photos. Thanks again, David!

December 28, 2007

Eleven nice contributions from David Backlin, David Herman, and Rich Piehl round out our selections for December. Thanks to all three of you for the photos!

December 26, 2007

Here's the final set of photos, 38 in all, from my trip to Missouri in September and October 2007. That makes a total of 93 photos posted from that trip!

December 11, 2007

I added one photo from the Hermann collection that I had inadvertently omitted from the November 24 update. The additional photo was taken on Missouri 19 almost upon entering the new bridge. So now there are 19 photos of the bridge!

November 24, 2007

A new section of the Signs and Sights Gallery adds 18 photos of the new and old bridges across the Missouri River at Hermann. These photos were taken in October 2007 when the bridges were standing side-by-side, except for the removal of the southernmost section of the old bridge.

This update also fixed a broken link on the Interstate 72 page.

November 10, 2007

Here's the first set of photos from my October 2007 trip to Missouri. I've added 36 photos in this update. One additional photo has been revised (a photo in Dixon, indicated below). More pictures to come soon, especially of the new Hermann bridge across the Missouri River!

October 14, 2007

David Backlin contributes six photos from southwestern Missouri. Thanks again, David!

October 12, 2007

Four more from David Herman, including the ever-popular wrong-outline goof: this time, US 136 in the northwest corner of Missouri has markers instead for "Missouri 136". Thanks, David!

September 23, 2007

Thanks to David Herman for four contributions of signs around Branson and vicinity, including this site's first-ever entry for Missouri 376!

September 1, 2007

Contributions from all around Missouri include a noticeable misspelling on US 61 in Lincoln County from Rich Piehl, unusual detour markers on Interstate 255 from David Herman, another Missouri marker shape from G.R. Van, and a brand-new section of US 71 in McDonald County complete with stick-on letters for Business US 71, contributed by David Backlin. Thanks to all of you!

July 24, 2007

David Herman sends along three signs showing the new Missouri 221 designation in Iron and St. Francois counties. David also includes a destination sign for US 66 in Webster Groves. Thanks, David!

June 25, 2007

David Backlin submits four new photos from Missouri, including a new goof -- US 269 instead of Missouri 269 in Kansas City. Thanks, David!

May 12, 2007

Rich Piehl sends in this photo from Interstate 70 that's not exactly a goof, but still weird. Thanks, Rich!

April 7, 2007

Here's an update about the "US 58" photo in Johnson County. Brandon Henderson checks back in to report that the sign has been changed. The "US 58" goof has been removed. But, thanks to Brandon, we still have the evidence!

April 1, 2007

New photos from David Backlin (Nixa and Cassville), David Herman (St. Louis), and G.R. Van (Kirksville). Along with his photo, G.R. also provided updated status on Business US 63 in Kirksville, which was decommissioned in 2001 or 2002. G.R. took a photo of the same intersection that I took in 1998; I've updated the text for my 1998 photo to reflect the subsequent changes. Thanks, everyone, for your contributions!

March 4, 2007

Thanks to G.R. Van of "My Land of Misery" for a photo of a new marker on Missouri 129 near New Cambria. Thanks also to Rich Piehl for contributions from St. Charles County. Once again, thanks also to David Backlin for bunch of photos taken in 2004. In total, this update features 35 new photos!

January 20, 2007

The "version 7" page of links has been removed from the site, in hopes of making maintenance less burdensome and allowing me more time to work on content.

January 1, 2007

Thanks to David Backlin for these seven photos from Joplin and Springfield, including three (count them, three!) goofs along Missouri 249 east of Joplin.

December 3, 2006

Thanks to David Herman for this contribution from Hannibal.

Also added a link to G.R. Van's My Land of Misery, featuring photos of Missouri highways, along with other items of highway-related interest.

November 14, 2006

Thanks to David Backlin for three contributions from southwestern Missouri.

The last photo in the list above is an update of a sign assembly photographed in 2004. The 2006 version has the new-style "meat cleaver" Oklahoma marker. I have updated the text for the page showing the photograph that was taken in 2004:

November 12, 2006

Thanks to Brandon Henderson for catching a goof on this destination sign along US 50 in Johnson County!

October 1, 2006

I removed all the direct e-mail links from the pages that had those links. This is an attempt to reduce a particularly difficult type of spam that has begun showing up at my e-mail provider. A new e-mail address is provided on a separate Contact Information page.

August 19, 2006

Thanks to David Herman for four more contributions, including the ever-popular construction goof where the state route marker is used for a US route, this time on US 61. Also updated the links to the Missouri Department of Transportation web site, which is now at http://www.modot.mo.gov.

August 12, 2006

Thanks to David Herman for a couple of contributions from Missouri 21 in St. Louis County, including a "wide" style marker used to designate Route 21!

August 5, 2006

A big thanks to John Brocato, for his contribution of a photo confirming the existence of Route AX in Macon County. This is the only state supplemental route that uses the letter X.

July 23, 2006

It's the final installment of photos from H.B. Elkins. This time it's 20 photos from south-central Missouri and the Bootheel, taken in June 2001. A big thanks to H.B. for sending these photos along!

July 16, 2006

Part two from H.B. Elkins, with 17 more photos, including photos of Missouri 13 in southwest Missouri before it was rerouted in 2002. All photos are from June 2001. Thanks again, H.B.!

July 4, 2006

A big thanks to H.B. Elkins for photos that he took during a June 2001 roadtrip through southern Missouri (and apologies for taking so long to get these photos posted)! The 16 photos added on July 4 is the first set in a series of photos from H.B.'s trip; look for more photos in upcoming weeks.

July 3, 2006

Thanks to Rich Piehl for a photo of a construction goof in St. Louis County, and David Backlin, for a photo from April in southwestern Missouri.

June 25, 2006

David Backlin has sent along eight photos from the Kansas City area taken this month. Thanks, David!

David's photo of the Paseo exit matches this photo that I had taken in 1998. This is not a new photo, but I have updated the page to indicate that the signs have changed. The file has also been renamed to ensure that the 1998 and 2006 photos are indexed closely together.

June 22, 2006

Thanks to Rich Piehl for two photos of a new, unusual warning sign on Interstate 70 in St. Louis County (both on one page).

May 25, 2006

A design facelift for the entire site! The biggest changes are at the Missouri, California, and US Highways Signs and Sights Galleries, where the top-level index page has been replaced by a search page, enabling you to quickly find photos for specific routes, types of routes, or categories of photos. You can also search for photos relating to specific cities or counties.

Other than the new search pages, the most notable changes seen by most users will be the new fonts used across the entire site. The new design should also look a little bit better with Internet Explorer 6 than the old design.

April 1, 2006

Charles Sarjeant submitted this photo of the Interstate 44 interchange with Missouri 47 in St. Clair. Thanks, Charles!

March 29, 2006

Added an index by photo category to the other category indexes.

March 27, 2006

Thanks to David Herman, with 10 new photos from the St. Louis area and northeast Missouri, including Missouri 27.

March 4, 2006

Added a photo by Charles Sarjeant, showing the new northern endpoint of Missouri 79 and Business Route 36 in Hannibal:

Thanks, Charles! As a consequence, I also updated the text on a couple of other pages showing routes in Hannibal in 1998.

Also check out scans of Missouri official highway maps from 1952, 1956, and 1969, also added on March 4 to mark this site's 8th anniversary.

January 29, 2006

Moved all Missouri photos from the US Highways Signs and Sights Gallery to the Missouri gallery. In the migration, 56 pages with 61 photos were moved into the Missouri gallery. The move was made to consolidate Missouri photos into one gallery. It will also allow better optimization of searching and indexing programs. The pages that were moved are listed here:

January 4, 2006

Thanks to Joe Reda for a great photo of a cutout US marker that he discovered still in use on US 50 in Eureka in 1997.

Also check out the Missouri Highways Route Log, where links to the Road Signs & Sights Gallery have been added for each route, city, or county that has a photo in the gallery.

December 30, 2005

Added a page listing all Missouri photos at this site (in all galleries), alphabetized by the descriptive text in the link. Anchors are included for each letter of the alphabet. For example, adding "#M" to the URL will take you directly to the links beginning with the letter M.

December 26, 2005

Added one new photo from Springfield, contributed by David Backlin.

Also created headings on all the individual sign pages. Outdated text on a few pages was brought up-to-date as well. The Interstate 72 page was updated with the results of the elections earlier this year to provide special funding for making US 36 a four-lane highway from Macon to Hannibal.

December 13, 2005

Added anchors within the indexes by category. I hope to make more use of this feature in the future. In the meantime, you can use them to move around more quickly in each of the indexes. For example, when in the Route Index, type "#MO763" after the URL to find the listings for Missouri 763. When in the City Index, type "#Columbia" after the URL to find the listings for Columbia. Be sure to omit any spaces and punctuation marks (examples: I70, US71, KansasCity, LeesSummit, SteGenevieve). In the Route Index, use "BL" for Business Loops, "BR" for Business Routes, "BS" for Business Spurs, and "SP" for Spur Routes. Alternate Missouri 240 is "ALTMO240".

December 10, 2005

Added three new photos from David Backlin for Springfield, and two new photos from David Herman for northeast Missouri (one of which adds Lewis County to the list of the counties shown in photos at this site). Thanks, David and David!

December 5, 2005

Added programs that create page and photo counts of the Missouri cities, counties, routes, and route types shown in this and the other Signs and Sights Galleries, as well as counting the categories of photos shown and the number of contributors. (Contributor counts removed December 10 due to problems with accuracy.)

November 22, 2005

Added two photos from Dave Backlin, including a sign goof on US 65 south of Springfield. Thanks, Dave!

November 17, 2005

Added 56 photos from my September 2005 trip to Missouri. Eleven more photos from this trip were at the US Highways Signs and Sights Gallery before being moved to the Missouri site.

Digging back into the archives, five photos from March 1998 (Mexico and Rocheport) and July 1998 (Columbia). The Columbia photo is actually a rescanned photo of a sign gantry that has since been removed.

Also added four new photos from the 1925 Lexington Bridge, taken during the September 2005 trip. The bridge was no longer used by then, but demolition had just started.

Added a photo contributed by Scott Maness, taken in 2005. Thanks, Scott!

Added 10 photos from James Baughn, taken in 2005. Thanks, James!

Added 17 photos from David Backlin, taken in December 2004 and August 2005. Thanks again, David!

Also renamed the following pages from Curtis Bohl, who originally found the Alternate Missouri 240 markers in Howard County in 2003. I needed to rename the files after adding photos of the route that I took in 2005.

August 28, 2005

Added indexes by category. These indexes list pages at all the sign galleries, not just the Missouri gallery. These indexes were made possible by the huge XHTML conversion earlier this year. They are a first step toward a new approach toward managing the galleries that I hope to unveil in the coming months. The new indexes are:

I also purged or updated invalid links to other sites.

August 14, 2005

Added two photos taken by David Backlin this month in southern Missouri. Thanks, David!

July 22, 2005

Added 17 photos taken by David Backlin in April and June 2005 in the Joplin and Springfield areas. Thanks once again, David!

June 8, 2005

The Michael Summa Collection

Michael took many photos in Missouri during the 1970s and 1980s, including the small reassurance markers and button-reflector stop signs that are now extremely rare in the state. Thanks to Michael for sharing his collection!

April 19, 2005

New photos from Bob Ellis (Missouri 179 at Missouri 98) and David Backlin (Southwest City sign). Thanks, Bob and David!

April 10, 2005

Added new photos from David Backlin. Thanks again, David!

March 31, 2005

Added photos from David Backlin. Thanks, David!

March 13, 2005

Added photos from James Baughn for southeastern Missouri and David Backlin for southwestern Missouri and Kansas City, especially including photos relating to US 71, including a "Missouri 71" goof. Thanks to James and David! Also added a jump link in the "What's New" updates box to make it easier to go right to the site menu on the right-hand side of the page.

Contributed by James Baughn

Contributed by David Backlin

March 7, 2005

Added photos from Adam Froehlig and Rich Piehl of the Interstate 55 exit signs for Missouri 74 at Cape Girardeau that also refer to Illinois route 146. Adam also contributed an exit sign assembly for Missouri 84 at Hayti. Thanks, Adam and Rich!

March 4, 2005

The big conversion of everything to XHTML 1.1, including the renaming of a few files. This is also the seventh anniversary of the Missouri Highways Page, so I rescanned some photos from 1998 and added a few that had not previously been scanned. There are 16 new photos, all from 1998.

New Photos

Rescanned Photos

Renamed Pages

February 5, 2005

No changes in photos. Revised the index pages and the page describing the Iowa 394 trailblazer to reflect changes in the Wayland area as a result of the Avenue of the Saints project and the addition of Missouri 27 (matching Iowa 27) in December 2004.

December 11, 2004

Thanks to Rich Piehl for this photo of a new-style (2/10 of a mile) mileage marker on Interstate 44:

October 20, 2004

Thanks to Jim Templeton for a before-and-after sign goof on McDonnell Boulevard at Interstate 270 in St. Louis County:

September 22, 2004

Thanks to James Baughn for a fresh construction sign goof and a couple of other contributions:

September 6, 2004

Many thanks to Scott Maness for catching this sign goof:

July 1, 2004

From a trip to Spain
This picture you gain.

March 11, 2004

Contributed by Mike Dietrich.

Feburary 22, 2004

Contributed by David Backlin.

February 7, 2004

From my October 2003 trip to Missouri. Some previous pages were renamed as well.

New Photos

Renamed Pages

February 4, 2004

Contributed by Ron Wilbanks.

February 2, 2004

Contributed by Scott Maness.

November 10, 2003

Contributed by Curtis Bohl.
Contributed by Scott Maness.

September 13, 2003

Contributed by Scott Maness.

September 3, 2003

Contributed by Scott Maness.

Earlier Updates

(Not a complete list)

August 29, 2003: Added East Route YY in Jasper County, with thanks to Scott Maness, who also contributed a photo of a US 66 construction marker in Joplin.

August 25, 2003: Added contributions from David Backlin (Missouri 13 re-routing plus Interstate 229 and Missouri 116) and Rich Piehl (Interstate 44 in Franklin County plus an update on the Missouri 94 marker in St. Peters). Thanks, David and Rich!

July 12, 2003: Added contributions from Mike Dietrich, including a stone marker where Missouri meets Oklahoma and Arkansas and an "after" picture along Missouri 59 and 76 in Anderson; plus a contribution from Brian Dowd clearly indicating plans for the eastern endpoint of Missouri 364 in St. Louis County. Thanks, Mike and Brian!

June 8, 2003: added 47 photos, including pictures from my March 2003 trip to Missouri plus contributions from David Backlin, Kim Harvey, and Chris Schneider. Thanks to all of you for your generosity!

January 13, 2003: Added a misspelled Emanuel "Clever" sign along Watkins Drive (US 71) in Kansas City. Thanks to Ben Prusia, who caught this during the one week in December 2002 when it was up (it was corrected within a week). Also reformatted the page with the Front Street sign (also from Kansas City, also from Ben Prusia) to reduce the need for scrolling.

January 11, 2003: Added the sign of the new name not quite covering up the old name on Front Street in Kansas City -- thanks to Ben Prusia.

Mark Roberts
Denver, Colorado
E-mail: Please see the Contact Information page.
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